Contemporary Art Practice

Colleen Thompson

Artist Statement

4 Minute Party is a reaction to a lifetime of living under nuclear threat and a comment on the insights into the situation offered by the internet. Colleen is preoccupied with the information we are all subjected to during our waking lives, and the big issues that affect us all. Humour, the extraordinary world around us and texture are recurring themes.


Colleen trained as a jeweller, welder, illustrator and landscape architect. She has worked as a jeweller in Sydney and San Francisco, she has taught art and computing, and has been involved in two theatre production sets and had small parts in two films. She spent three summers working at Jupiter Artland where she took part in Pester & Rossi’s installation. She has exhibited in Aberdeen Art Gallery where her Spider Necklace can be seen, and in the RSA with the Scottish Society of Women Artists. She currently supports a mental health team at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital and makes art. She has two children.

Fullscreen Gallery
4 Minute Party, fabric, sequins, concrete, card, glass, 2 m x 2m x 75cm