Mira Knoche

Mira Knoche

Mira Knoche
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Mira Knoche


Workshop Tutor Support/ Administrator

Mira Knoche (b. in Hamburg) is an Edinburgh/Glasgow based visual artist and works at Leith School of art part-time.

Her paintings, sculptures, events, and writing tend to explore a curiosity in people, bodies, power, class, gender, identity, connection and community. She enjoys building communities outwith the noisy centre, also as curator and arts writer.

She managed a punk band for a while, and in 2019 founded womxn-led WENCH collective who organise art & music events. She has curated exhibition festivals as co-founder of Naked Aye Art collective and used to run a poetry and music night in Leith. She has written on art for Bella Caledonia.

In July 2019 she had a solo exhibition of paintings, ‘WENCH’ at  Edinburgh Central Art & Design Library. She has shown paintings and installations as part of group shows at Coburg House, Leith School of Art, Leith Library and Salt Space Gallery in Glasgow (2020 and 2021). She was recently awarded a scholarship to attend the New York Academy of Art residency in figurative painting.

She now studies at the Glasgow School of Art, works part-time at Leith School of Art and works from her studios in Leith and at GSA.
