Alumni Spotlight: Contemporary Art Practice - Susie Rose Dalton

Tuesday,21 June 2022 in  Courses, Spotlight, Students

Susie Rose Dalton completed the Contemporary Art Practice Course (CAP) in 2020/21 and won the WASPS Award for her work in the End of Year Exhibition which offered her a solo exhibition in Glasgow this year. We asked Susie about her time on the CAP course and her experience with us.


'I applied to the CAP course at Leith School of Art because I wanted to push my artistic practice. I’d hit a bit of a creative rut and was looking for a supportive environment that would give me some fresh ideas, and CAP was exactly that. The CAP course made me think in bigger and bolder creative ways than I would ever have been able to on my own, because of the quality of the teaching, the facilities and materials available, and the amazing peer support in the class. I learned completely new skills in video and installation which have now become integral parts of my ongoing work.

The teaching, especially by Course Leader Rachel McBrinn, is very high quality; thorough, attentive, and well-tailored to individual practice and interest. It’s a great mix of theoretical and practical, grounded in art history and theory but with a focus on getting people making. Rachel is really talented at recognising and championing artistic strengths, and encouraging artists to be ambitious in their work. The tutors are supportive, engaging, and the school community generally is a really welcoming and well-run environment.

I’ve come out of the CAP course with a more robust and engaged artistic practice, new skills which I’m using in my current work, and increased confidence in my work. Winning a Wasps Award and having my first solo exhibition as a result of taking part in the CAP course has been a major development in my artistic practice, and I’m so grateful to Leith School of Art and the CAP team for all of the support they’ve given me with this. I’d recommend this course to anyone looking to challenge and develop their existing art practice in a supportive environment, as well as those looking to learn something completely new.'


If you are interested in studying on the Contemporary Art Practice course for 2022/23 please do get in touch and we can arrange for you to come in and see the course and speak with Course Leader, Rachel McBrinn.

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