Transforming Place

Transforming Place

Past Course
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Saturday & Sunday, 10:00am – 4:00pm


North Junction St. Campus


1 Jun - 2 Jun 2024

Course Staff

Andrew MacKenzie Advancing Studio Practice Course Leader & Painting Course Tutor

Explore the relationship between the urban and natural landscapes found on our doorstep.

This workshop will provide new experiences and methods of working with immediacy in the urban landscape. We will begin outside, along the water of Leith, where we will use a variety of drawing and annotation methods to respond to our environment, opening up processes and ideas which can be further developed. On day two, we’ll be back in the studio where students will develop these drawings and visual notes into a series of layered, painted collages.

Practical demonstrations and talks will be included, with particular reference made to Peter Doig, Andrew Cranston, Mamma Andersson, Lois Dodd and Hurvin Anderson.

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